

Exhibition on the occasion of the project „Joint water-drawing“ in the rehabilitated basement rooms of „Die Station“ which had been devastated by the flood one year before.

August 2003
Station Neufelden


Water-dam-room 1
Water-dam-room 2
Money laundering operation II ( Money, water, time)

In the Mühl-water-room the waters of the river „Große Mühl“ that derive from the project “water-drawing-activity” are being collected in the basement of the warehouse at the riverbank.

The sixty waters of the river “Große Mühl” that had been collected within the project “Joint water-drawing” will be stored as joint work also in the Mühl-water-room.


Money laundering operation II ( Money, water, time)

The Money laundering operation lets money, water and time work. Different European currencies, coins overrun by trains, river gravel and shells of river mussels were poured with residual water in 12 broken television screens again and again. The residual water terms that kind of water that is allowed to pass the dam for ecological reasons without generating power, energy and money. There are 1sec, 2sec, 3sec of residual water of the “Große Mühl” (the eponymous river of the Mühlviertel) in the 3 glass vessels of the “Money laundering operation”.