
River TV

TeleVisions and watching aims at the river

A project by Joachim Eckl and WASSER.ZEICHEN®

Station Neufelden


„River TV“ directs the view of young people to riversides and water. Perceptions are being sharpened and new perspectives are being found.


Old empty television sets without ground glass and back part were used as viewfinder at the river. With their help pictures and perceptions were captured.
Young people – students, apprentices and unemployed – took stand through their concrete perception and finally created their own river-broadcast. The young people shot short videos of their river-perceptions in groups. 
The video „Mühl-river-program” was then created from the broadcast of several “stations”. The documentary video as final product is directed at other young people and schools. The water and river TeleVisions of the young people were spread via Internet and TV. The goal was to create imitation and reproduction of the project and help young people to develop an intimate and pleasurable relationship to their river.